If you need to reproduce a section of our maps and imagery to incorporate into your design proposal, research results, or similar professional documentation, spare a little room in your composition to cite your data sources correctly. It not only fulfills the legal requirements of our EULA, the credibility and professionalism of your work goes up as well.
Below you’ll find some common examples for citing the source of data you’ve acquired from First Base Solutions as an inline citation in the border of a map or graphical compilation of data, figure details, footnote, or bibliography.
Dynamically Generated Map Images From MapCast (FBSWMS):
Our web mapping service, MapCast, offers orthophoto and contour mapping served directly into your desktop CAD or GIS software, allowing you to build your own maps with the benefit of a high quality photo base layer. For a dynamically generated map view of just one layer:
Data Producer. Name of data source. Title and location of image: Data Supplier, year of image capture. Scale/resolution, if given (otherwise “scale not given”) Available: Software package name <main page url> (Date image was generated).
Orthophoto Example:
First Base Solutions. MapCast. Orthophoto Mapping over Guelph, ON: First Base Solutions, 2010. 20 cm photo resolution. Available: MapCast <http://fbswms.firstbasesolutions.com> (November 30, 2015).
Contour Example:
First Base Solutions. MapCast. 1m Contours, South Central Ontario at Guelph, ON: First Base Solutions, 2002. 1:10,000. Available: MapCast <http://fbswms.firstbasesolutions.com> (November 30, 2015).
For maps compiled from a combination of MapCast and other data:
Map Title [map]. Scale. Data layers publisher and names [computer files]. Place of publication: Name of person who generated map, date. Using: computer software name [type of software]. Version or edition. Software manufacturer location: Software manufacturer name, date of software release/copyright.
Client’s Area Of Interest [map]. Scale 1:5,000. Data layers: First Base Solutions: 2015 Orthophoto Mapping, 1m Contours South Central Ontario [web map service]; Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources: Ontario Road Network (ORN) [computer files]. My Company, Toronto, ON: Generated by Salina Morrow, generated on December 10, 2015. Using: ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced [GIS]. Version 10.1. Redlands, CA: ESRI, 2012.