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Data Catalogue Overview

What’s available, in which formats, and bit more about each data product.

Is newer data available?

We update large portions of our aerial imagery every year to keep up with demand for new data, especially in suburban areas where land development is taking place. In the built environment, the imagery will be different every single year, so it’s worth the effort to fly the same areas over and over. The same […]

How are orthophoto and satellite imagery different?

Each sensor vehicle is different. In general, the level of detail seen in the image and geolocational accuracy will be better for orthophoto flown from aircraft. Satellite imagery is superior in that new imagery can be collected and delivered on much shorter notice anywhere in the world, and includes more spectral bands outside the visible […]

How detailed are the images?

The amount of detail depends on the image resolution.  Resolution in cm refers to the area on the ground covered by each pixel in the image. In an image with 15 cm resolution, for example, each pixel covers a patch of ground 15cm x 15cm in size. Objects on the ground which are smaller than […]

Do PIN and ARN parcels have the same boundaries?

PIN stands for “Property Identification Number” which is linked to ownership, ARN stands for “Assessment Roll Number” and is used for property value assessment purposes. More information can be found on the Ontario Parcel web site at: www.ontarioparcel.ca. The boundaries are often the same, but not always. For this reason, PIN and ARN are maintained […]

Do flood plain maps tell me where I can build?

FBS is a reseller for floodplain mapping, available through MapWarehouse. In the course of having your development application approved, you may need to apply for a Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses permit if your property is adjacent to water or near other significant natural features. You’ll need to contact the […]

What’s the horizontal error of the orthophoto

It depends on the photo resolution. Whatever the stated photo resolution in cm, positional accuracy is double that value. A 15 cm photo, for example, has positional horizontal accuracy of +/- 30 cm. This means that for any point on the photo, the true location of that point on the ground will be within 30 […]

Oak Ridges Moraine Groundwater Data Overview

The data was produced by the Toronto Region Conservation Authority. Each of the asc files represent the elevation you would find the various levels of substrate (e.g. Kettleby Till) along with the ground elevation and bedrock elevation. You can therefore determine the thickness of each substrate over a given location. The asc file is a […]