flood line

Is newer data available?

We update large portions of our aerial imagery every year to keep up with demand for new data, especially in suburban areas where land development is taking place. In the built environment, the imager...

Do flood plain maps tell me where I can build?

FBS is a reseller for floodplain mapping, available through MapWarehouse. In the course of having your development application approved, you may need to apply for a Development, Interference with Wetl...

The flood plain mapping I bought was 0 kb.

Floodplain mapping is available on an “as-is” basis with no routine update schedule. Sections of floodplain mapping will be updated from time to time as needed when major storm events caus...

What’s floodplain mapping?

Floodplain mapping defines the limits of the Regulatory Floodplain for a particular watershed, used for regulatory purposes. These maps are produced and maintained by the TRCA (Toronto and Region Cons...