
Identifying where land use has changed

Imagine you’re researching a property’s history as part of a pending real estate transaction. You may need to ensure that all lands are included where multiple PINs make up one property, and that ...

Is newer data available?

We update large portions of our aerial imagery every year to keep up with demand for new data, especially in suburban areas where land development is taking place. In the built environment, the imager...

Is the date and time of the photo included?

The mosaics on MapCast and VuMAP, as well as the photo tiles on MapWarehouse are made up of several photos stitched together. To locate the date and time for a tile, it is necessary to look up the fli...

How is the data priced?

Most downloadable data is priced based on 500m x 500m tiles. For most orthophoto, the cost is $70 per 500m tile, and $150 per 1km tile, with progressive discounts applied automatically for orders grea...

What is the data update cycle like?

Update cycles are different for each type of data. Parcel data has a regular quarterly update, although not every update is clipped into tiles and made available on MapWarehouse. To access to most cur...

Where can I find historical imagery?

MapWarehouse has digital photo dating back to 2000. Older photo taken on film can be sourced on a case by case basis by contacting our customer service.

How accurate is flood plain mapping?

The information shown on this map series is subject to change. The volume of water introduced into a regional drainage system from rain and snow melt can vary wildly between different points in the sy...

How accurate is flood plain mapping?

The information shown on this map series is subject to change. The volume of water introduced into a regional drainage system from rain and snow melt can vary wildly between different points in the sy...