What’s the difference between contours and DEM?

The DEM capture was produced from 2002 orthophoto at 1:10,000. It includes elevations on a 40m grid spacing together with break lines along all visible terrain impacting features (road edges, drainage...

How do I use LiDAR?

LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) bare earth elevation models in GeoTiff format are easy to use and highly accurate. This video will help you get started.

I’ve purchased adjacent tiles of parcel and they’re polylines clipped at the tile boundary, but I want full parcels as polygons. How can I connect line work from adjacent tiles together to complete the parcels which cross the tile boundary into single features and/or convert the geometry to polygons?

Polygons would not be a good representation of the data in this case because the geometry of the parcels is clipped to the boundary of the tiles, so the area, perimeter, and parcel boundaries of the p...

The DWG files of Ontario Base Map (OBM) does not show the labels for elevations etc. How can I use the properties of the individual polylines to produce annotation?

Here’s a tutorial that shows how to use the features’ properties to apply a label. This is for the latest edition of the software, but there should be similar options available in whatever...

What do the numbers in the file name mean?

The first letters tell the data type, “orth” for orthophoto, “line” for a digital elevation model, “contour” for contour lines. The next 2 numbers are the UTM zone,...