I’m looking for contour for a large area and I don’t really need the level of detail that comes with FBS 1m contours. Is there a more economical option suitable to my project?

Yes! We have OBM (Ontario Base Mapping) available in a variety of vector formats such as SHP and DWG. These maps were produced in 1983 by Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources at 1:10,000 (5km x 5km s...

Is there anything newer?

We update large portions of our aerial imagery every year to keep up with demand for new data, especially in suburban areas where land development is taking place. In the built environment, the imager...

How up to date is flood plain mapping?

Floodplain mapping is available on an “as-is” basis with no routine update schedule. Sections of floodplain mapping will be updated from time to time as needed when major storm events caus...

Can I print orthophoto and use them with a stereoscope?

No. The topographic displacement where you might see the side of a tall building in the photo may seem deceiving, but orthophoto by definition have been rectified to remove perspective. Without two ca...

The DWG files of Ontario Base Map (OBM) does not show the labels for elevations etc. How can I use the properties of the individual polylines to produce annotation?

Here’s a tutorial that shows how to use the features’ properties to apply a label. This is for the latest edition of the software, but there should be similar options available in whatever...

There’s no imagery for my area, is there anything else available?

Yes. First Base Solutions can acquire new photo as a custom request. First Base Solutions is also a licensed reseller of Planet Labs and  DigitalGlobe satellite imagery. Satellite imagery is an ideal...