How do I order hard copy prints of Ontario Base Mapping (topos)?

It’s easy. We don’t keep paper maps in stock, but we will gladly print them for you on demand as they are ordered. We can then send you the map(s) by courier or you can pick them up from o...

What do the numbers in the file name mean?

The first letters tell the data type, “orth” for orthophoto, “line” for a digital elevation model, “contour” for contour lines. The next 2 numbers are the UTM zone,...

I need to do basic research with the orthophoto over a huge area which is going to run over budget and use my whole hard drive. Is there a way to just view the data without downloading it?

Yes! FBS offers two subscription based options to explore our data libraries through either an internet browser VuMAP, or, using your own CAD or GIS software using MapCast.

How can I use the imagery offline?

Imagery can purchased and downloaded in 500m x 500m tiles through MapWarehouse.

What kind of data layers are available in MapCast and how are they organized?

MapCast connects you to all of First Base Solutions’ high resolution aerial imagery, plus 1-m elevation contour lines. Layers are grouped by province, upper tier municipality, region and vintage. Fo...