Can I preview the exact image I’ll receive before buying it?

Yes. From the item selection list in MapWarehouse, click the info icon beside any item to see it’s metadata and a thumbnail of the actual image you’ll receive. The Google base map is just ...

What can I do with the downloadable tile indexes?

Lots! The tile indexes are georeferenced vector files in SHP or KML format and can be downloaded for each dataset via the coverage map. These can be used in your own software to see the context of whe...

How long does it take to receive my satellite imagery?

For archived imagery, once you approve your quote, delivery of your imagery generally takes less than a week. To order tasking for new imagery, you can select the preferred time frame for collection, ...

My area of interest has expanded and I need a few more tiles of photo. Can I add to an existing order and continue the bulk rate discount?

Yes, but this discount will not be applied automatically as you place the order in MapWarehouse. If you need to expand your coverage, orthophoto tiles which are adjacent to tiles in a previous order c...

How do I choose more than 200 tiles?

For large orders, the best option is to contact customer service with a SHP file delineating the area you would like quoted and let us know which data sets and file formats you’re most intereste...

How up to date is flood plain mapping?

Floodplain mapping is available on an “as-is” basis with no routine update schedule. Sections of floodplain mapping will be updated from time to time as needed when major storm events caus...

What coordinate reference systems does MapCast support?

The WMS supports requests for the following coordinate reference systems: EPSG Code Description EPSG:2018 NAD27(76) / MTM zone 9 EPSG:2019 NAD27(76) / MTM zone 10 EPSG:2020 NAD27(76) / MTM zone 11 EPS...

How do I order hard copy prints of Ontario Base Mapping (topos)?

It’s easy. We don’t keep paper maps in stock, but we will gladly print them for you on demand as they are ordered. We can then send you the map(s) by courier or you can pick them up from o...

I need to do basic research with the orthophoto over a huge area which is going to run over budget and use my whole hard drive. Is there a way to just view the data without downloading it?

Yes! FBS offers two subscription based options to explore our data libraries through either an internet browser VuMAP, or, using your own CAD or GIS software using MapCast.