PIN stands for “Property Identification Number” which is linked to ownership, ARN stands for “Assessment Roll Number” and is used for property value assessment purposes. More i...
There’s no imagery for my area, is there anything else available?
Yes. First Base Solutions can acquire new photo as a custom request. First Base Solutions is also a licensed reseller of Planet Labs and DigitalGlobe satellite imagery. Satellite imagery is an ideal...
I need photos covering more than one tile, but I don’t have software that can handle georeferenced data.
As long as you have an internet connection, you can use our VuMAP service to view the orthophoto and other data in context. Other options include having the tiles mosaicked into a single file, or, hav...
I need to do basic research with the orthophoto over a huge area which is going to run over budget and use my whole hard drive. Is there a way to just view the data without downloading it?
Yes! FBS offers two subscription based options to explore our data libraries through either an internet browser VuMAP, or, using your own CAD or GIS software using MapCast.
How can I use the imagery offline?
Imagery can purchased and downloaded in 500m x 500m tiles through MapWarehouse.